Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Its been a long time sense I last wrote here.  I am happy to report that my life is less chaotic and driven the way its been in the past.  I can see from my parents, that award and achievements were highly desire able.  Still I have to say, that much of what has made my life move in a positive direction, has been things that are free, always available and lifestyle based.  So in many ways my life has changed from  what it was when this blog first started.  I think then I did daily injections in hopes that the chemicals would halt my meylin sheaths from being damaged.  Sense then I have learned that medicine or a doctor, or a report, or a study, or a survey, or a vote.  Doesn't change a think that I should be doing.  (Yes there is room to tweak a life.  Its getting tweaked all the time, but the basic progress is predictable).  So now my life is full of many things it went without for many years.  I'm started to call it my lost decade, but I can't because that was a great time in my life.  (I got to spend it, raising great kids, with a great person. )   Anyhow, my 30s were a time in my life where there was life all around me all the time.  I never appreciated it at the time, but kept yearning for more.  In a space that had no more to give.  In many ways, understanding I had MS and divorcing fell right a about the same time.  In many ways, spiritually, being divorced has been great for me and my ex.  But more specifically it has been good for my MS.  Its allowed me to live the life I need to live, in order to reverse what has laid its evil head.  I'm not religious but I am a firm believer, in being an energetic being.  That received, generates, shares, energy again and again.  Kind of a dance meshing, twisting, swirling the frequencies of the energy waves all around us.  All the time, every day, every year, every life.   Which has been my main defense when it has come to MS.  I see it as a function that has mal functioned.  Lets face it, to eat ones meylan sheath, its not normal.  So I spend my time, allowing my body to function as best as it can, to give it what it wants, to provide it with as many tools as I can give it, to help it reverse something that has gotten a huge head start.

I hope to write on here, again, to share some of the funny things that have happened over the last 3 years.