Thursday, February 28, 2013

We are amazing.

It's important to not forget that.  A lot of life will help you forget this but it is important to remember.  Wether your talking about diet, rest, excercise or stress they will all try to convince you that you are just doing well.  Or that you are alive, or that your happy for the moment, or you are getting by, or you are struggling, but the truth is, that you are amazing.  It's something that is unfortunately very obvious when you receive a negative label.  How could someone survive with a negative label if we aren't amazing? 

One of the quickest and easiest ways we start to not underatnd we are amazing is because we forget to listen to our bodies.  Somepeople say we have lost the ability to listen to ourselves like a wild animal, but what I've seen is these qualities are around us, but we don't use them.  In a very simple example its easy to  know that listening to yourself is important.  Can you name the last bird that you know that has cancer?  Of course not.  Noone tells a bird how to fly, they just know how.  No one tells a bear how to bite, they just know how.  When we listen to ourself equally amazing things happen.

Like these animals, we have to understand we are the most amazing animal off all.  Its a fact that we have more hair pours on our body then any animal on earth.  Its important to remember that our small intestine is 27 feet long and that is the longest of any mammel.  Its important to remeber that we have over 9 million rods in our eye and over 90 million cones.  This allows us to see in black, white, color, dark or light.  For all these reasons and more we are amazing and we should never forget it.  Unlimited potential is often realized when people don't believe that there is any other way, much like the bird that flies or the fish that swims.  Luckily no one has told them differently.

Lately I've learned a lot about the human body and there are thotse that believe that a body that is at ease will be without disease.  There are those that say that every cell in our body has the power in it that creates universes.  I think there are over trillions  cells and no one has to tell them what to do.  No one has to tell them how to make energy, no one has to tell them to live, they just do.

That is the whole point of this blog.  To not forget that you are amazing.  To live each day, each breath, each day as if you are amazing.  People should feel lucky to be around you.  You should feel lucky to be around anyone else in this world, after all your around someone who is amazing.  Everyone should respect themself and know that they are a part of this universe and that is no small accomplishment.  We are all 1 in a million, regardless of any negative label we might get a long the way.